Support to develop a Green Climate Fund (GCF) concept note and full proposal on Climate Resilient Agriculture (FAO)
- October 4, 2023
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Stabilizing political context will help consolidate in Somalia the institutional set up. Nevertheless, Somalia is still vulnerable to climate extreme events, which are hampering food security. The FAO SWALIM report issued on January 22, stresses ‘Most parts of the country are experiencing Severe drought conditions, with Jubaland and central regions and adjacent areas already in Extreme drought’. Furthermore: “Current drought conditions are expected to worsen during the remainder of Jilaal season (February- March) or until the start of Gu rains in April 2022.’. Eventually: “The frequency of climate hazards in Somalia is on the increase and this is undoubtedly as a result of climate change. climate related disasters will continue to negatively affect the economy and livelihoods of the Somali communities on top of other shocks”. The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) is keen on strengthening the sustainability and impact of investments in resources and capacity building through shifting the focus away from emergency interventions to development and resilience-building programs. Specifically, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC), the National Designed Authority (NDA) for the Global Climate Fund (GCF), has requested FAO support the development of a concept notes for Climate Resilient Agriculture (CSA) in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia. FGS is also keen on developing a strong communication on climate change and its negative impacts. Communication is part of the resource mobilization process as it gives overviews of results achieved but also of vulnerability and communities’ needs. FGS is likely to provide support in data collection, to feed up the design of the concept note and the full proposal of the GCF project and of the mid-term communication strategy.